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Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

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Project AWARE Foundation Website Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions


Project AWARE's Privacy Policy

Project AWARE Foundation and its affiliates, ("AWARE") welcome you. This policy will explain the approach we take in protecting, collecting and using the information we gather from you in connection with the Project AWARE Foundation website,, provided by AWARE (the “Service”). References to "you" and "your" refer to any individual or any entity.

Project AWARE is committed to respecting the privacy of visitors. This Privacy Policy covers personally identifiable information you may choose to share with Project AWARE Foundation (Project AWARE) on By using you consent to this policy. Changes to the policy will be posted on this page. Any changes will only apply to information collected after the posted date of the change.

For your ease and convenience, we make this notice available from every page of this website, identified as “Privacy Policy” with a link to this notice.

This website contains links to other sites. We encourage you to read the privacy statement of any website that you visit. This Privacy Policy applies only to information collected through this website.

Please note: This policy applies only to information collected through the Project AWARE Foundation website. Any other site which is linked to this website, including AWARE affiliates’ sites, may be governed by their individual Privacy Policies and Terms of Use. Please consult these sites for further understanding of their Privacy Policies and Terms of Use.


What information does Project AWARE obtain?
When you register on the following information may be obtained: email address, name, mail address, phone number, credit card information, demographic information, etc. In some instances, you may decide what information you choose to provide. Sometimes, however, complete information is needed for Project AWARE to respond to your requests and/or include you in contest eligibility, etc.

This site collects both personally identifiable and non-personally identifiable information to improve the usefulness of the online information and services we offer to our users.

Personally identifiable information is any data element or collection of data elements that directly identifies an individual, including name and e-mail address.

Non-personally identifiable information is any data element or collection of data elements that, by itself, cannot be associated with a specific individual. This site collects non-personally identifiable information which is routinely gathered from all site visitors and focuses on website activity, such as how many people visit the site, the pages they visit, what website they are coming from, how long they stay , etc. This site visitor data is collected on an aggregated, anonymous basis, which means personally identifiable information is not associated with this data. This type of non-personally identifiable information is generally gathered by third-party providers through the use of web server logs, third-party ad servers, cookie technology, and clear GIFs, as defined herein.

In addition, in some cases we may link this sort of non-personally identifiable information with the personally identifiable information we have about people who use our website or services and treat this information as personally identifiable information. For example, we may use this information to follow up with you, if applicable.


Wireless Addresses

If the e-mail address you provide to us is a wireless e-mail address, you agree to receive messages at such address from (unless and until you have elected not to receive such messages by notifying us using the "unsubscribe" link located within the e-mail notifications). You understand that your wireless carrier's standard rates apply to these messages. You represent that you are the owner or authorized user of the wireless device on which messages will be received, and that you are authorized to approve the applicable charges.


What does Project AWARE do with the information?

Project AWARE uses the information for the sole purposes of identifying visitors, their interests, aggregate demographic data, providing requested information, personalized notices and promotions and improving our site. For donors, Project AWARE regularly emails newsletters and updates, as well as support and renewal notices via mail and email. Except as stated in this Privacy Policy, Project AWARE does not provide, market, trade or sell the information it obtains to third parties except in the aggregate as part of statistical reports prepared by Project AWARE for organizational analysis. This aggregate information does not include personally identifiable information. However, all personally identifiable information gathered can be disclosed to judicial or other government agencies subject to warrants, subpoenas, or other government orders.

Your first name will be used only to address you personally in any email notifications that are sent to the email address you provide. Your e-mail address will be used to send you information from AWARE and its products.  To unsubscribe to these communications, follow the language within the e-mail notifications.

AWARE activity organizers filling out the online event and registration forms will have their contact details displayed in the Project AWARE online listing and volunteers will be able to contact you directly to get involved in listed activities.


What does Project AWARE do with information submitted through its Tell A Friend feature?

In order to further our mission we offer a feature on that enables you to refer friends to our website. This feature allows you to enter your name and email address and the name and email address of several friends (recipients). It is important to note that this information is collected only when you voluntarily provide it. AWARE will only use the e-mail address and any names provided to send the e-mail and will not store or further disclose this information. Project AWARE will retain your email address and contact information for the Our Blue World mailing list, however Project AWARE does not retain or review the names or email addresses of the recipients, nor does Project AWARE retain or review any information provided in the message content.


What security is provided by Project AWARE?
Project AWARE uses a number of security measures to maintain the privacy of your personal information. The data are stored in secure databases and are accessed only for the purposes listed above. Employee access to personal information is strictly on a need to know basis. Third parties providing services for Project AWARE are required to sign a confidentiality agreement agreeing not to use personal or confidential information except to provide the specific service requested by Project AWARE.


What security is provided for online payments?

Project AWARE accepts check and credit card payments. When making a donation or placing an online order your payment information, such as bank information, credit card number, Card Verification Value Code (CVV) / Card Validation Code (CVC) and expiration date, are entered during your transaction. Project AWARE uses a third-party merchant processor to process your online transactions.  When purchasing from Project AWARE your financial details are passed through a secure server using the latest 128-bit SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption technology. The 128-bit SSL encryption is approximated to take at least one trillion years to break, and is the industry standard. If you have any questions regarding our security policy, please at [email protected] This sensitive personal information is not shared with third parties other than the processor. Your credit card information is not stored or retained for future use.


Does Project AWARE track IP addresses?
As a general policy, Project AWARE does not track IP addresses. However, it may sometimes be necessary when such information is needed to help diagnose a problem with our server or to identify the origin of unlawful activity on or against


Does Project AWARE use cookies?
Cookie technology enables websites to store small bits of information on your computer, and then ask for that information back at a later time. A cookie is a text file that is sent to the hard drive where your browser files are kept. If you are concerned about the use of cookie technology, you may opt to enable a feature in your browser software that will erase cookies, block all cookies or warn you before cookies are stored or exchanged.

If you reject a cookie, you may still use our site.

How we use cookies:

AWARE uses cookies to accurately track the number of website users.

What we store in cookies:

AWARE stores a unique identifier in the cookie to properly distinguish a user's workstation.

Benefits of using cookies:

Cookies allow a web application to respond to you as an individual.


What about third party links on provides links to other sites as a service to visitors. Project AWARE is not responsible for the privacy practices, security measures or data collection practices of these other web sites nor for the content of these sites. Your choice to access these sites is at your own risk. We urge you to review the privacy policies on each link to ensure you are comfortable with their policies and practices.


Can I decide what information I want to continue to receive from Project AWARE?
Yes. You can elect not to receive information by responding to the email communication and indicating your choice to unsubscribe to that communication.


What about information I share on My Ocean?


Information you share about yourself.When you sign up for My Ocean you provide us with your name, email, and location. During the registration process we give you the opportunity to connect with your friends via social network sites. You will also be able to add a picture of yourself.   


The primary reason is to share information on your conservation activities with Project AWARE, your friends and others who access the site. 

Here are some other things to remember: 

  • You can configure the visibility of activity messages in My Ocean in the “Heartbeat Activity Settings” in the “Edit Account Settings” of your Profile.  This allows you to decide whether your activities on My Ocean can be seen by Everyone who visits the site, only your Friends, only Me (i.e. yourself) or Never.
  • Even after you remove information from your profile or delete your account, copies of that information may remain viewable elsewhere to the extent it has been shared with others, it was otherwise distributed, or it was copied or stored by other users.
  • You understand that information might be reshared or copied by other users.
  • When you post information on another user’s profile or comment on another user’s post, that information will be subject to the other user’s visibility settings.
  • If you use an external source to publish information to Facebook (such as a mobile application or a Connect site), you should check the privacy setting for that post, as it is set by that external source.


What about “Everyone” information on My Ocean?

Information set to “everyone” is publicly available information, just like your name, profile picture, and connections.  Such information may, for example, be accessed by everyone on the Internet (including people not logged into My Ocean), be indexed by third party search engines, and be imported, exported, distributed, and redistributed by us and others without privacy limitations. Such information may also be associated with you, including your name and profile picture, even outside of My Ocean, such as on public search engines and when you visit other sites on the internet.  The default privacy setting for certain types of information you post on My Ocean is set to “everyone.” You can configure the visibility of activity messages in My Ocean in the “Heartbeat Activity Settings” in the “Edit Account Settings” of your Profile.  This allows you to decide whether your activities on My Ocean can be seen by Everyone who visits the site, only your Friends, only Me (i.e. yourself) or Never.


Are there any risks inherent in sharing information?

Although we allow you to configure the visibility of activity messages, please be aware that no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. We cannot control the actions of other users with whom you share your information. We cannot guarantee that only authorized persons will view your information. We cannot ensure that information you share on My Ocean will not become publicly available. We are not responsible for third party circumvention of any settings as the purpose of the site is to share your conservation activities.


What about photos, videos and other content I share on My Ocean?

By uploading any photo or video on My Ocean you are confirming that you own and have the right and permission of those in the photos or videos to post and distribute it publicly and understand that Project AWARE and others who visit the site may download and use that content.  We respect other people's rights, and expect you to do the same.  You will not post content or take any action on My Ocean that infringes or violates someone else's rights or otherwise violates the law.  We can remove any content or information you post on My Ocean if we believe that it violates this Statement.

Project AWARE's Terms and Conditions


Your use of is conditioned upon your agreement to the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions, you are not authorized to use or any downloads from it. Project AWARE may modify the terms and conditions at any time, which changes shall be posted to along with the date of revision, and shall take effect upon posting. Your continued use of indicates you have read, understood and agree to those terms.


The material included on was compiled by Project AWARE from a variety of sources and are subject to change without notice.  Although Project AWARE uses reasonable efforts in reviewing the material posted to, Project AWARE makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy of the material. The material posted is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT.


Downloading of images and documents - Creative Commons License

All material on is copyrighted and protected by U.S. and international laws and treaties. Project AWARE is either the copyright owner or has permission from the copyright owner to use the material posted.  


You may download material that is offered for download on Such material may be offered in PDF, PowerPoint or other formats under "Resources" for each subject.  Except where otherwise noted, content offered for download on is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives license:, which states:


Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives

You are free:

  • to Share- to copy, distribute and transmit the work

Under the following conditions:

  • Attribution- You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
  • Noncommercial- You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
  • No Derivative Works- You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.

With the understanding that:

  • Waiver- Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
  • Public Domain- Where the work or any of its elements is in the public domain under applicable law, that status is in no way affected by the license.
  • Other Rights- In no way are any of the following rights affected by the license:
    • Your fair dealing or fair use rights, or other applicable copyright exceptions and limitations
    • The author's moral rights;
    • Rights other persons may have either in the work itself or in how the work is used, such as publicity or privacy rights.

Notice- For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this web page.


You must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the materials.


If you wish to use material from Project AWARE that is not specifically offered for download, separate written permission from Project AWARE must be requested by contacting us through [email protected]


Materials Submitted to Project AWARE

Photos submitted by visitors, grant applicants and/or by any other submission means may be used by Project AWARE, or others authorized by Project AWARE, for promotional purposes without compensation. Although Project AWARE endeavors to include photo credits, you agree that a credit may not accompany your submitted photo if Project AWARE determines it is not feasible to do so. By submitting such images, you warrant that you are the owner of the photo or that you have the express permission of the owner to use and submit the photo(s). Additionally, you warrant that any necessary releases have been obtained by you or the owner of the photo for any people who may appear in the photo(s) and that Project AWARE's use of the submission will not violate any third party rights.


Photos and videos and content you share on My Ocean:

By uploading any photo or video on My Ocean you are confirming that you own and have the right and permission of those in the photos or videos to post and distribute it publicly and understand that Project AWARE and others who visit the site may download and use that content.  We respect other people's rights, and expect you to do the same.  You will not post content or take any action on My Ocean that infringes or violates someone else's rights or otherwise violates the law.  We can remove any content or information you post on My Ocean if we believe that it violates this Statement.

Sharing Information

AWARE may disclose personally identifiable information to government authorities, and to other third parties when compelled to do so by government authorities, at our discretion, or otherwise as required or permitted by law, including but not limited to in response to court orders and subpoenas.

We also may disclose personally identifiable information when we have reason to believe that someone is causing injury to or interference with our rights or property, other users of the website or anyone else that could be harmed by such activities.

If applicable, AWARE shares some non-personally identifiable information with third party providers to track and analyze site usage on an anonymous basis. This is not linked to any information that can identify any individual.

In the event that AWARE, any affiliate of AWARE, or substantially all of its assets, are acquired by one or more third parties as a result of an acquisition, merger, sale, reorganization, consolidation or liquidation, non-personally identifiable information may be one of the transferred assets.

External links

This website contains links to other sites. We will inform you when you are leaving this site and we encourage you to read the privacy statement of any website that you visit. This Privacy Policy applies only to information collected by this website.

Security of Your Information

This site takes reasonable steps to protect personally identifiable information as you transmit it to our site and to protect such information from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. You should keep in mind that no Internet transmission is ever completely secure or error-free. In particular, e-mail sent to or from this site may not be secure.


Web server logs: A web server log is a file where website activity is stored, such as your internet provider (IP) address, date of visit, length of visit, what pages you visit on our websites, etc.

Clear GIFs: A clear GIF is typically a one-pixel, transparent image (although it can be a visible image as well), located on a Web page or in an e-mail or other type of message, which is retrieved from a remote site on the Internet enabling to us to track and analyze your usage of our site. The information collected through pixel tags is non-personally identifiable.

Third-Party ad servers: We may use third-party advertising companies to serve ads on a variety of different websites that are intended to attract visitors to our site. These companies may employ cookies, clear GIFs and other technologies to track non-personally identifiable information about your visits to other sites involved in AWARE advertising campaigns in order to help measure and improve the effectiveness of AWARE Health Solutions’ ads. This information may be shared with AWARE and others performing services on behalf of AWARE.

If you would like more information about how third-party ad servers work and to understand your choices about not having this information used by these companies, see the Network Advertising Initiative's consumer Web site at


Third Party Links

We provide links to other sites as a service to visitors. Project AWARE is not responsible for the privacy policies, security measures or data collection practices of these other websites, nor for the content of these sites. Your choice to access these sites is at your own risk. We urge you to review the privacy policies on each link to ensure you are comfortable with other sites' policies and practices.



As an international organization serving over 230 countries, shipping time may vary. Depending on your shipping destination, please allow a minimum of 10 business days for domestic, and 20 business days for international shipping. For international shipments, please note that you may be responsible for additional duties and taxes as directed by customs laws in your country, as well as any fees incurred by Project AWARE due to your refusal to accept your shipment.


Refund Policy
Please choose carefully.  We do not normally give refunds if you simply change your mind or make a wrong decision.  You can choose between a refund, exchange or credit where goods are faulty, have been wrongly described, are different to the product purchased on the website or don't do what they were supposed to do. 



Project AWARE assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for, any damages to or viruses that may infect your computer equipment or other property due to your access to, use of, browsing of, or downloading of any materials from


Copyright Infringement

Claims of copyright infringement should be directed to us via email to: [email protected], or mailed to:


Project AWARE Foundation

30151 Tomas

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688


Who do I contact if I have questions regarding the Privacy Policy, the information Project AWARE may retain, or Terms & Conditions?
You may contact Project AWARE via i[email protected] or by phone, fax, or email, or in writing to:


Project AWARE Foundation
30151 Tomas
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA  92688
United States
Fax:  +1 949 267-1221

Phone: +1 949 858 7234

Email: [email protected]


Notification of Change

AWARE reserves the right at its discretion to change, modify, add or remove portions of this policy, at any time.

We will communicate any updates to our policy on out site for any site visitors.

We encourage you to check this policy from time to time to review any changes that might be made. The date found below tells you when this policy was last updated.

To view all privacy policy updates

Revised 5 June 2011

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