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Sharks Conservation Course During Sharks Week

Blacktip Reef Sharks at Bida Nok Bay
Kata Beach, T. Karon A. Muang, Thailand

7.8231778, 98.3003183

It'd been over a year since the Beach at Maya Bay, Phi Phi Le Island was closed to all tourism activities... the benefits for us ocean lovers? Spectacular sightings of sharks as they returned to rest and feed in a peaceful bay.

Join us to support Thailand Marine Park's cause in learning about the benefit of limited mass tourism to protect sharks and about our local sharks population while diving Thailand's top destination, Phi Phi Marine Park. Includes: equipment rental, digital study guide, 2 course dives with Sharks Conservation Specialty Instructor, certification and 1 fun dive (weather permitting). Course is available daily except for Monday, start time 7:30AM and end time 6PM. Pre-booking only.

Project AWARE Sharks Conservation Specialty Diver Course, price: 5,500 THB or 180 $US,
Marine Park Fee: 600 THB per diver (exact cash to pay Marine Park Ranger)

More info and to contact us for signing up:

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