Debris Month of Action: Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!
September is Project AWARE’s Debris Month of Action – a time when thousands of scuba divers around the world unite and take action against marine debris – the ocean’s silent killer. But don’t think of it as just a one-time dive to take out the trash. It’s so much more than that. It’s a rallying cry. A rumble, if you will, with one of the biggest ocean issues of our time – marine debris.
This September, gather your best dive buddies, head out to your favorite dive spot and Dive Against Debris. It’s the best way to use your scuba skills for good and Debris Month of Action is the perfect time to do it.
With events happening around the globe this month, there are two options for you to get involved depending on your comfort level:
- For the community activist or the new scuba volunteer, you might like to join a planned Debris Month of Action event. It’s the best way to take part in the local movement to battle debris and learn more about trash diving at the same time. There may even be a free air fill or an after dive BBQ in it for you.
- If you prefer to battle debris freestyle or can’t find an organized event near you, you can dive in for the cause at anytime, in any underwater location you choose. Just be sure to start with the tools and tips in the Action Kit first.
Remember the part about Debris Month of Action being more than just a cleanup?
No matter how you volunteer for Debris Month of Action, be sure to submit your data (OK, I’m begging you). Sure, it takes time to sort through, record all that you have found, and then enter the info into our online portal, but this information is the lifeblood of change.
Only when we know what types and amounts of trash you remove underwater and from where can we show the extent of the problem from our own, unique underwater perspective. And armed with this information we can work with policymakers and business partners to prevent trash from entering the ocean in the first place.
None of our trash belongs in the ocean. Get ready to rumble during September’s Debris Month of Action and beyond! I promise you’ll be glad you did.