2021 Dive Against Debris™ ~ The 1st Hit 2021 打擊海洋垃圾潛水計劃™ 第一擊
Blue Ocean Club ~ 2021 Dive Against Debris™ ~ the 1st Hit
Date : 15th May 2021, Saturday
Dive Site :Tung Ping Chau, Sai Kung (Hong Kong SAR)
Weather : Very hot with sunny periods, moderate southerly winds
Air Temperature : Highest 33C, Lowest 28C
Seawater Temperature : 28 C
Number of Volunteers : 30 divers
Total Weight of Debris Collected : 135.19 kg
On Saturday, 15th May 2021, Blue Ocean Club organized the first 2021 “Dive Against Debris™” event to remove marine debris from the ocean and conduct marine debris surveys. This event aims to raise awareness of the marine debris problem, encourage others to join the movement, and take essential steps to protect the ocean.
The weather condition was very hot with sunny periods at 33 C. The volunteer divers were briefed on the boat at the dive sites about safety measures and environmental awareness before the dives.
30 volunteer divers removed a total of 135.19 kg of marine debris and mainly consisted of fishnets and plastic food wrappers. The type and quantity of the debris collected, including the cleanup site information, were documented in the marine debris survey data card and reported to the Project AWARE Foundation.
藍海俱樂部 ~ 2021打擊海洋垃圾潛水計劃™ 第一擊
日期 : 2021年5月15日 (星期六)
潛水地點 : 東平洲(香港)
氣度 : 最高攝氏33度,最低攝氏28度
海水溫度 : 攝氏28度
義工隊伍 : 30名潛水員
總垃圾重量 : 135.19公斤
藍海俱樂部於2021年5月15日籌辦了本年度第一次 “打擊海洋垃圾潛水計劃™”,一項針對海底垃圾的清潔和調查活動;目的讓大眾了解海洋垃圾問題,並鼓勵其他潛水員於平時也身體力行,為海洋保育作出貢獻。
義工潛水隊於兩次下潛後成功收集了共135.19公斤垃圾。主要的垃圾類別為鬼網(棄置魚網)及塑膠製食品外包裝。垃圾的類別和數量,及調查地點已詳細記錄在調查記錄表,並回報到Project AWARE Foundation。